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quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013



Barack Obama faz o juramento de seu segundo mandato como presidente dos EUA, em Washington, DC, 20 de janeiro de 2013

         The first black president in American history has just been sworn in for a second term by bringing more of a focus than domestic adjustments regain strength and prestige external weakened by constant wars of the Bush era resulting in a growth economy runt President Barack Obama's second mandate is different from the first of the four previous years which reached the White House moved by ideals of which has never been possible to translate the inner reality of your country or flatten the external wear left by his predecessor Republican.

The eye of veteran President Barack Obama is to the domestic society of the United States, where there is a historical constant power struggle between Democrats and Republicans sitting at the same table always with different positions, and both want their positions to be the central goal of U.S. policy. The agreements come on the shores of his discussions with endless negotiations slice of North American political power which does not always reflect the idealism of a public man.
          Martin Luther King a dreamer by a North American company just left early life murdered by a member who saw the realization of his dreams threatening the stability of the United States of America, in commemoration of the day in memory of Martin - 21/01, is the second inaugural of President Obama, a dreamer who wants to replace live the United States of North America in a position of international prominence with a domestic society happy, satisfied with existing opportunities and created by its policy aimed at making the United States to continue leveraging the global economy from the satisfactory results of the internal politics of their country.

Barack Obama got the endorsement of North American society to put their ideals into practice, believing that now as veteran president he will have a new kind of political negotiations sewing a garment more robust to the United States. Over the next two months the Democratic caucus representative of the dreams of Barack Obama will be in heated discussions with Republicans, this clash of positions arise the ways of the country's recovery, and both should be given a higher level of debt capacity, clear budgets and lean, fiscal policy fundraising that do not cause injuries to the wealthiest and to help heal the pain of the poor, the modified permit the carrying of firearms; allowance entitlements to undocumented immigrants with a comprehensive law allowing illegals congregate definitely North American society contributing to its growth.
          There is irony in Obama nor failure, but there is very clearly a desire to restore the prestige of the country from domestic results, which demonstrate that the United States will vote to be "the land of opportunity" pillar of globalization with a growing economy , robust, and self sustainable.
Onofre Neto - Economista, empreendedor e consultor de investimentos imobiliário

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